• May 29, 2022

Subsidies for a green garden or green roof

Did you know that in some municipalities you can apply for a subsidy to green your garden or roof? A green roof or green garden not only looks good, but is also environmentally friendly. Green roofs and gardens have a cooling effect and attract animal life. Want to know if your municipality provides subsidies? Then look at Groenesubsidiewijzer.nl.

Green grants guide
This month the Green Subsidy Guide was launched. On the website you will find an up-to-date overview of available subsidies for greening gardens. You can find out whether your municipality provides subsidies and under what conditions. For example, there are subsidies for a green roof, disconnecting your drainpipe and replacing your tiles with plants.

Together with your neighbourhood
Some subsidies are subject to conditions. For example, you may be required to have a roof of a certain size in order to apply for a subsidy for a green roof. Tip: Apply for a subsidy together with your neighbours to make your neighbourhood greener in a cheaper way.

Green garden
Why is a green garden better for the environment? It has a cooling effect and at the same time it reduces waterlogging. Plants catch some of the rainwater and ensure that the water sinks into the ground, thus relieving the burden on the sewer system. A sustainable garden is therefore better prepared for the consequences of climate change, namely drought, heat and extreme precipitation.

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